
Kundai Chatambudza.

I'm a

Software Developer.

Stuff About Me

I am a skilled React developer with 3 years of experience in creating interactive web applications. My background in Electrical and Computer Engineering, combined with my passion for programming, led me to switch to Computer Science and Applied Statistics during my studies at the University of Cape Town. This allowed me to delve deeper into web technologies and enhance my frontend engineering skills.
I gained valuable industry experience through a part-time software engineering role during my final year of university and am currently working for a company where I can actively participate in the entire product development process. This has further fueled my interest in product development.
As a frontend enthusiast, I am dedicated to staying current with the latest technologies and trends in the field. I am eager to share my expertise and create engaging and interactive web applications that make an impact.


Next JS


Notion Blog

This is my blog site. It is made with nextjs,Notion as a cms and is hosted on vercel.I made it as a proof of concept for a client who was looking for alternatives to wordpress.

WaterFlow Simulator

This water flow simulator was one of my university assignments. The purpose of the project was to apply concurrency and parallelism concepts in Java.


Work Experience

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